Most People Can’t Handle Being Profoundly Loved…

Whole and Complete
Whole and Complete

It’s true you know! Being profoundly loved isn’t as easy to accept as it might sound. I remember in one workshop I held where it was the first time I actively used the element of Profound Love deliberately in my work, my goodness the tears that arose as I called Profound Love into the space…

Each person was told by me, as they stood in front of someone who represented Profound Love: “There is nothing wrong with you. Not one thing. You are perfect in my eyes. You are just as I wish you to be. You have done nothing wrong. Nothing. I see you and you are perfect, just as you are..”.

Oh my goodness we were swimming in a pool of tears! Sad tears. Joyful tears. Releasing tears. Some couldn’t believe it. Some struggled to receive it…

“Then there is the biggest conflict of all, our story that we are individual entities who need to do, be, have, in order to know we are worthy. This conflicts dramatically with the reality of our true nature, which is magnificence itself. A magnificence that needs nothing added on to it. It is whole, complete and perfect within itself, and it knows this…” From Musings on the Path…

Why do we struggle so to receive profound love? Because to self berate comes much more naturally to us. Because to judge ourselves and others is easier to do. Because believing that we’re exactly as we’re meant to be, based on what we believe about ourselves and about life, feels like a cop out.

Another key piece of not being able to accept being profoundly loved, is that we can’t accept that someone else who has hurt us or caused us deep pain, deserves that same profound loving.

“But they did this, or that to me! They hurt me in this or that way! How could they ever deserve to be loved so profoundly. Sounds like bullshit!” 

Therefore of course we struggle to accept profound loving because we too, did this or that to someone else. We too, have hurt person A or B in some way. We too, have ‘behaved badly’ at different times in our lives.

Profound Love, holds it all, see it all, understands it all and Loves it all. All of its expressions, in all of its forms. For it sees and knows that every single being acts from their level of understanding and awareness, always…

It sees this, it knows this and it blesses this. Yet through its unchanging love, as we are able to receive it more fully, it then heals and expands our levels of self awareness. And in so doing, it increases and expands our capacity to give, and receive its Profound Love…

If you would like to shift in any area where you feel unwilling to receive, then it is my joy and my gift to support you to step into that willingness. Connect with me here

Going Places

Tangled Vines
Image from Deviant Art

Where is it exactly that you think you’re headed? What is this destination you hope to arrive at where everything fits into place and the world is a perfect reflection of that inner wholeness?

The world is already a reflection of your wholeness, except – and this is important, it is waiting for you to see this. It is waiting for you to stop trying to get to this vague somewhere, that magical place where nothing ever goes wrong, or displeases you. Where everyone understands and gets you. Where you have this perfect income, perfect home, perfect friends and perfect partner.

You know that mythical place that doesn’t actually exist and never did exist, and never will, exist? It’s a fascinating place that keeps you endlessly enthralled and endlessly, on a never ending search for peace.

What would you do once you got there anyway? Would you just bask in the glow of its perfection or would you (more likely) worry about when or if, it was going to come to an end? Would you relax in this space of perfection, or would you (more likely) fear encroachment upon your peaceful domain?

We do this don’t we? Spend our lives hoping to get to this perfect somewhere. Aiming high for a little more of this and a little less of that. Trying to create this perfect prescription for this perfect life, that never will (or can) exist. Instead of seeing that peace is waiting lovingly, to be acknowledged right here, and right now.

Being here, now, is the antithesis of going places. Peace can and does go everywhere, or more accurately it exists everywhere, waiting patiently for us to find it. 

It can be heard and felt in war zones, hospices, shopping malls, court rooms, prisons, the back garden, on the bus/train, in the busiest call centre or behind the walls and wails of pain at funerals.

It places no conditions on where it can be found. It requires nothing from us but our attention and our focus. Yet that requirement often seems too much for us to give. Way too much. We much prefer optimum conditions for its revelatory presence to reveal itself.

Yet that too is perfection. For peace and true perfection do not berate. They do not long for our attention. They are not in a state of bated waiting, waiting for us to turn our attention towards them. They Are. They simply Are.

It is we, who are not. It is we in our endless to-ing and fro-ing that miss their presence. We are the baited ones seeking peaceful breath in our weary lungs and one-pointed stillness in our hearts.

It is only when we stop our endless striving or (more likely) fall to our knees in exhaustion, that we see and feel their presence all around and within us. It is only then that we truly begin to rest and relax and notice that it is not our circumstances that have made us peaceful, rather, it is peacefulness that has revealed itself in our circumstances.

So by all means let us continue to journey to places far and wide, but let us not wait to see that what we are seeking is already here, was always here, patiently awaiting our recognition…

If you would like to shift in any area where you feel unwilling to receive, then it is my joy and my gift to support you to step into that willingness. Connect with me here